Dr. Miklós Hadas
Co-director of the Centre
e-mail: miklos.hadas@uni-corvinus.hu
Room: C 421
MTMT publication page
Andorka Rudolf, Hadas Miklós (eds.) (1990): Social Structure, Stratification and Mobility in Central and
Eastern Europe. Papers presented at the Conference in the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies,
Dubrovnik, April 14-17, 1990. Budapest: BKE. 302 pp.
Le public d'une grande école technique en Hongrie: L'Académie des Mines et des Forets (1867-1946).
In J. Schriewer - E. Keiner - C. Charle (1993) (eds.): A la recherche de l'espace universitaire européen.
Etudes sur l'enseignement supérieur aux XIXeme et XXeme siecles. Bern: Peter Lang. 396-421.
Rational Choice Theory and Neo-Utopianism. Budapest Review of Books. 1993 Autumn. 103-109.
(with Victor Karady): Football et antisémitisme en Hongrie. Actes de la Recherche en Science Sociales. 103. Juin 1994. 90-102.
(with Victor Karady): La tentation d'excellence dans les sports chez les éleves juifs des lycées hongrois. Cahiers d'Études Hongroises. (Octobre 1994)
Modernisation and Life-Style Strategies in the Hungarian-Slovakian-Ukrainian Triple Border (1996).
In G. Eger-J. Langer (eds.): Border, Region and Ethnicity in Central Europe. Bestellschein. Klagenfurt. 145-161.
Colonization or Partnership? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences (1996).
Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Budapest. Replika Circle. 152 old.
Bartók, the Scientist (1996). In Miklós Hadas and M. Vörös (eds.): Colonization or Partnership? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences.
Budapest: Replika Circle. 59-72.
Ambiguous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe (1997). Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös.
Budapest: Replika Circle. 184 pp.
Faces of Modernity (1997). In Ambigous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe. ed. by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös.
Budapest: Replika Circle. 171-184.
Faces of Modernity. Men in Films: A European versus an American Model? (1997). In Ambigous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe. Eds. by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös.
Budapest: Replika Circle. 171-184.
Post-modernity and Androginous Identity (1997). In Women and Men in East European Transition. eds. by Margit Feischmidt et als.
Cluj-Napoca: Editura Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene. 201-213.
Central European Hysteria (1998). Edited by Miklós Hadas, Katalin Kovács and Emese Lafferton. Budapest: Replika Circle. 226 pp.
Contextual Plurality: A Shoddy Dictatorship. Intruduction to the Hungarian Women’s Narratives (1998). In M. Hadas - K. Kovács - E. Lafferton (eds.): Central European Hysteria.
Budapest: Replika Circle. 7-15.
Stratégie politique et tactique sportive: esquisse d’une analyse socio-historique du style de jeu
de l’équipe d’or hongroise des années cinquante. In Henri Hélal - Patrick Mignon (eds.) (1999): Football.
Jeu et société. Paris: Les cahiers de l’INSEP. N. 25. 85-99.
Desire Machines: A Romanian Love Charm Database (by Sandra Galopentia.). Review essay in Anthropological Forum. Fall 2000. 347-348.
Football and Social Identity. The Case of Hungary in the 20th Century. Sports Historian. November. 2000. 43-66.
The Sociologist and the Paradigm-Alchemy: on Pierre Bourdieu’s Masculine Domination. Review of Sociology. Vol 9 (2003).
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 139-149.
Soccer and Antisemitism in Hungary (2006) (with Victor Karady). In Michael Brenner and Gideon Reuveni (eds.) Emancipation through Muscles.
Jews and Sports in Europe. University of Nebraska Press. 213-235.
Gentlemen in Competition: Athletics and Masculinities in Nineteenth-century Hungary.
The International Journal of the History of Sport. Vol. 24, No. 4, April 2007, 478-498.
Gymnastic exercises, or “work wrapped in the gown of youthful joy”.Masculinities and the Civilizing Process in 19th century Hungary.
Journal of Social History. Fall 2007. 161-180.
Much ado about nothing. The American Sociologist. Vol. 38. No. 3, September 2007. 309-322.
Modernisation, assimilation, dissimilation. Hommage a Victor Karady a l’occasion de son 70eme anniversaire.
(ed. par Miklos Hadas) Cahiers d’études hongroises. 2007 / 2008. 14. tome II. 11-83.
(avec Stéphane Vári) La libido academica au service d’un parcours protéiforme.
Cahiers d’études hongroises. 2007 / 2008. 14. tome II. 11-13.
The rationalisation of the body: physical education in Hungary in the nineteenth century. History of Education.
Vol. 38 / 1. January 2009. 61-77.
Modernity and Masculinity: Cycling in Hungary at the End of the 19th Century. (2010)
In Agatha Schwartz (ed.) Gender and Modernity in Central Europe. The Austro-Hungarian Monarcha and Its Legacy.
University of Ottawa Press. 47-65.
The Olympics and the Cold War: An East European Perspective (2010). In Alain Bairner and Gyozo Molnar (eds.)
The Politics of the Olympics. Routledge.
Masculinity as Habitus? Some Theoretical and Methodological Remarks (2011). In Alp Biricik and Jeff Hearn (eds.):
GEXcel Work in Progress Report. Vol. XV. University of Linköping. 219-229.