TársadalmiNem- és Kultúrakutató Központ

Centre for Gender and Culture

Photo of Miklós Hadas

Dr. Miklós Hadas

Co-director of the Centre

e-mail: miklos.hadas@uni-corvinus.hu

Room: C 421

  • MTMT publication page here


  • Andorka Rudolf, Hadas Miklós (eds.) (1990): Social Structure, Stratification and Mobility in Central and Eastern Europe. Papers presented at the Conference in the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, April 14-17, 1990. Budapest: BKE. 302 pp.
  • Le public d'une grande école technique en Hongrie: L'Académie des Mines et des Forets (1867-1946). In J. Schriewer - E. Keiner - C. Charle (1993) (eds.): A la recherche de l'espace universitaire européen. Etudes sur l'enseignement supérieur aux XIXeme et XXeme siecles. Bern: Peter Lang. 396-421.
  • Rational Choice Theory and Neo-Utopianism. Budapest Review of Books. 1993 Autumn. 103-109.
  • (with Victor Karady): Football et antisémitisme en Hongrie. Actes de la Recherche en Science Sociales. 103. Juin 1994. 90-102.
  • (with Victor Karady): La tentation d'excellence dans les sports chez les éleves juifs des lycées hongrois. Cahiers d'Études Hongroises. (Octobre 1994)
  • Modernisation and Life-Style Strategies in the Hungarian-Slovakian-Ukrainian Triple Border (1996). In G. Eger-J. Langer (eds.): Border, Region and Ethnicity in Central Europe. Bestellschein. Klagenfurt. 145-161.
  • Colonization or Partnership? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences (1996). Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Budapest. Replika Circle. 152 old.
  • Bartók, the Scientist (1996). In Miklós Hadas and M. Vörös (eds.): Colonization or Partnership? Eastern Europe and Western Social Sciences. Budapest: Replika Circle. 59-72.
  • Ambiguous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe (1997). Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Budapest: Replika Circle. 184 pp.
  • Faces of Modernity (1997). In Ambigous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe. ed. by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Budapest: Replika Circle. 171-184.
  • Faces of Modernity. Men in Films: A European versus an American Model? (1997). In Ambigous Identities and Changing Subjectivities in the New Europe. Eds. by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Budapest: Replika Circle. 171-184.
  • Post-modernity and Androginous Identity (1997). In Women and Men in East European Transition. eds. by Margit Feischmidt et als. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene. 201-213.
  • Central European Hysteria (1998). Edited by Miklós Hadas, Katalin Kovács and Emese Lafferton. Budapest: Replika Circle. 226 pp.
  • Contextual Plurality: A Shoddy Dictatorship. Intruduction to the Hungarian Women’s Narratives (1998). In M. Hadas - K. Kovács - E. Lafferton (eds.): Central European Hysteria. Budapest: Replika Circle. 7-15.
  • Stratégie politique et tactique sportive: esquisse d’une analyse socio-historique du style de jeu de l’équipe d’or hongroise des années cinquante. In Henri Hélal - Patrick Mignon (eds.) (1999): Football. Jeu et société. Paris: Les cahiers de l’INSEP. N. 25. 85-99.
  • Desire Machines: A Romanian Love Charm Database (by Sandra Galopentia.). Review essay in Anthropological Forum. Fall 2000. 347-348.
  • Football and Social Identity. The Case of Hungary in the 20th Century. Sports Historian. November. 2000. 43-66.
  • The Sociologist and the Paradigm-Alchemy: on Pierre Bourdieu’s Masculine Domination. Review of Sociology. Vol 9 (2003). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 139-149.
  • Soccer and Antisemitism in Hungary (2006) (with Victor Karady). In Michael Brenner and Gideon Reuveni (eds.) Emancipation through Muscles. Jews and Sports in Europe. University of Nebraska Press. 213-235.
  • Gentlemen in Competition: Athletics and Masculinities in Nineteenth-century Hungary. The International Journal of the History of Sport. Vol. 24, No. 4, April 2007, 478-498.
  • Gymnastic exercises, or “work wrapped in the gown of youthful joy”.Masculinities and the Civilizing Process in 19th century Hungary. Journal of Social History. Fall 2007. 161-180.
  • Much ado about nothing. The American Sociologist. Vol. 38. No. 3, September 2007. 309-322.
  • Modernisation, assimilation, dissimilation. Hommage a Victor Karady a l’occasion de son 70eme anniversaire. (ed. par Miklos Hadas) Cahiers d’études hongroises. 2007 / 2008. 14. tome II. 11-83.
  • (avec Stéphane Vári) La libido academica au service d’un parcours protéiforme. Cahiers d’études hongroises. 2007 / 2008. 14. tome II. 11-13.
  • The rationalisation of the body: physical education in Hungary in the nineteenth century. History of Education. Vol. 38 / 1. January 2009. 61-77.
  • Modernity and Masculinity: Cycling in Hungary at the End of the 19th Century. (2010) In Agatha Schwartz (ed.) Gender and Modernity in Central Europe. The Austro-Hungarian Monarcha and Its Legacy. University of Ottawa Press. 47-65.
  • The Olympics and the Cold War: An East European Perspective (2010). In Alain Bairner and Gyozo Molnar (eds.) The Politics of the Olympics. Routledge.
  • Masculinity as Habitus? Some Theoretical and Methodological Remarks (2011). In Alp Biricik and Jeff Hearn (eds.): GEXcel Work in Progress Report. Vol. XV. University of Linköping. 219-229.
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